Have you been waiting forever for Schoolies? Are you a graduating student this year or next year? Well, then this is the best place for you. See, Sure Thing Schoolies has plenty of very capable, and qualified, members that are eagerly awaiting to help you find the perfect hotel at the perfect destination.
Finding the perfect hotel is key to any trip. It is the place where you rest your head, keep your stuff, and go to every night. Finding a hotel that makes you comfortable is part of what the Sure Thing Schoolies team can help with.
It is also just as important for you to find the right Schoolies. Sure Thing Schoolies ensures that anyone taking part in youth travel makes amazing memories.
In recent times, there are so many amazing Schooliesdestinations to choose from. There are also as many hotels as places, which can be a bit confusing if you are planning the trip yourself. By filling out the forms available, you can have the team helping you as quickly as possible. The trip troubles will be taken out of your hands.
Getting a Schoolies hotel is just the first step in the wonderful process that is Sure Thing Schoolies; allowing you to be safe, have fun, and sleep well. Remember that we are here to be of help so that you can enjoy the best year of Schoolies yet!
More information on the process can be found on the Schoolies section of the website. You can see the various locations and events that are currently available. You can also check out the reviews of past events.
If you need additional assistance with any booking, or have a special request, simply contact us via phone 1300 49 59 69 (extended office hours) or email us at schoolies@surething.com.au