Schoolies Week should be the #bestweekofyourlife, not the most expensive. It’s easy for costs to add up, between accommodation, transport, food, drinks and a killer party outfit.
But it doesn’t have to be pricey, with a bit of planning and a rough budget, you can have a wicked time without spending all your savings!
These simple hacks will help you save your hard-earned dollars and show you how to save moneyatSchoolies Week.
1. Find the best Schoolies Package
Head to or call 1300 49 59 69 at least a year before youhead off to Schoolies Week – check out the wicked Schoolies Packages on offer. Lots of packages include free food (pancakes for brekky, BBQs, hot suppers) so look out for these inclusions when booking.
2. Book your accommodation early
By booking your accommodation early, you’ll have more time to save money. Plus, if you book far enough in advance by the time the year is over and it’s time to head off to Schoolies Week, it won’t even feel like you’ve paid for the trip! The experts ar Sure Thing Schooliesrecommend booking at least a year in advance. The beat value accommodation and packages for school leavers often get sold out first.
3. Keep a rough budget
We’re not talking downloading an excel spreadsheet onto your phone and logging everything you spend, but keeping a rough budget definitely helps! Plan your week and give yourself a budget to stick within $20 of. If you go over that day’s budget by 20 bucks, no big deal. If you spend less than planned, even better!
4. Take your own food and drinks
Head to the supermarket with your group before you head off for the week and stock up! Cereal, muesli bars, Mi-Goreng and BBQ Shapes are your best friends during SchooliesWeek. Some even manage to survive School Leavers Week on 2-minute noodles! If you drink plenty of water (recommended) refill from a clean and free tap source – and use your friend’s sunscreen when they’re not looking!
2am Maccas trips may seem like THE BEST idea at the time, but a week of these sneaky pitstops adds up quickly. Have an emergency stash of chips back at your hotel or resort to satisfy those late-night cravings!
Hopefully these tips can give you some ideas for how to save money at Schoolies week. The key is to start planning now – if you haven’t booked your accommodation yet, the sooner you take action the wider your choice range will be, the better value you will have access to! Contact us now, we’re open 24 hours 7 days.